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  1. 2020
  2. Runtime: 1 hours 41 Min
  3. Writer: Dan Gregor
  4. Adventure
  5. Directed by: Stephen Gaghan

多力特的奇幻冒险 在线.



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ΆσφÎλτici pour voir la video. バスケクラブ物語 ステータス. バスケクラブ物語 ポジション適正. Table '' doesn't exist. China CoronaVirus Outbreak 2020: Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, South Korea, Japan, USA, Australia, Canada, France, Finland, Germany, South America, North America, UAE. Dewd! Can't understand. I hope u put english sub my brother.

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Ce a5 cf 80%cf 8c cf 83%cf 87%ce b5 cf 83%ce b7 3. Oi! Are u serious or not really ? So mean to talk about a movie like this. We are in month of February man, there still more movies to go. If you agree with me please 👇 this button to blue. 當年看了兩次,也完全不明白故事説甚麽? 今次越哥講解,我才明白!🙏🙏🙏. Sud, Indonesian. Seit seinem tränenreichen Abschied als Tony Stark in „Avengers: Endgame“ (2019) ist Robert Downey Jr. um eine lukrative Franchise- Hauptrolle ärmer. Doch bevor er Ende 2021 zum dritten Mal als „Sherlock Holmes“ die Kassen klingeln lassen will, schlüpft der 54-Jährige in eine weitere ikonische Figur der Popkultur, deren Kinderbuchanfänge zurück in die 1920er-Jahre führen: Doktor Dolittle – der Arzt, der mit den Tieren spricht. „Kunterbunter Kinderkram ohne das gewisse Etwas“ In der Neuverfilmung „Die fantastische Reise des Dr. Dolittle“ von Stephen Gaghan (Drehbuch- Oscar für „Traffic“) hat sich der berühmteste Arzt des viktorianischen England nach dem Tod seiner Frau von der Außenwelt abgeschottet. Erst als Queen Victoria (Jessie Buckley) schwer erkrankt, lässt sich Dolittle aus der Reserve locken. Gemeinsam mit Kinder- Assistent Tommy (Harry Collett) und seinen tierischen Freunden bricht er zur abenteuerlichen Suche nach einem Heilmittel auf, bei der ihm nicht nur Piratenkönig Rassoulim (Antonio Banderas) in die Quere kommt. Dass Robert Downey Jr. seiner neuen Rolle als kauziger Tierweltflüsterer vereinnahmenden Charme verleiht, dürfte wenig überraschen. Das Zeug zum Kassenschlager hat sein spielerisch leichtes Dolittle-Debüt aber trotzdem nur bedingt. Der kunterbunte und rasant erzählte Film ist etwas zu offensichtlich auf Kinder zugeschnitten, die sich an eindimensionalen Charakteren und einigen dramaturgischen Sprüngen vielleicht nicht sonderlich stören. Wenigstens sorgt „Die fantastische Reise des Dr. Dolittle“ mit einer hohen Witzdichte und exzellent getricksten CGI-Animationen des tierischen Casts oberflächlich für Kurzweil.

我还是停留在第一个层面好了. Ce 9d cf 84%ce bf cf 8d ce bb ce b9 cf 84%ce bb t. Hello epic asian. 解说地非常好,感谢感谢. Kinokritik zu „Die fantastische Reise des Dr. Dolittle“ Gorillas und Giftmischer Robert Downey Jr. schlüpft in der Kinderbuchverfilmung „Die fantastische Reise des Dr. Dolittle“ in die Rolle eines verschrobenen Mediziners. Dr. Dolittle (Robert Downey Jr., re. ) versteht die Sprache aller Tiere, natürlich auch die der Hunde. Foto: /Universal Pictures Stuttgart - Dieser Mediziner hat schon 100 Jahre auf dem Buckel. Der englische Kinderbuchautor Hugh Lofting schickte Dr. Dolittle erstmals 1920 auf Reisen. Seither hat er es mehrfach ins Kino geschafft Doch weder die klassische Variante mit Rex Harrison noch die moderne mit Eddie Murphy konnten Kritiker überzeugen. Nun schlüpft Robert Downey Jr. in die Rolle des Arztes, der sich lieber um Tiere als um Menschen kümmert und deren Sprache spricht. Ein Mordkomplott gegen Queen Victoria (Jessie Buckley) weckt ihn aus der Lethargie. Mit seinem Lehrling Stubbins (Harry Collett), mit Papagei Poly, Ente Dab-Dab, Eisbär Yoshi und Gorilla Chee-Chee geht er auf große Fahrt, um ein Heilmittel für die vergiftete Königin zu finden. Sein Widersacher Dr. Blair Müdfly (Michael Sheen) ist ihm dicht auf den Fersen. Nach einem Jahrzehnt im Superheldenkorsett hätte diese Hauptrolle für Robert Downey Jr. eine Befreiung sein können. Doch der Schauspieler, der zuletzt fast ausschließlich als Iron Man zu sehen war, legt seine Figur viel zu melancholisch an. Von der Trauer um seine verstorbene Frau erdrückt, rafft sich Dr. Dolittle bis zum Schluss nicht richtig auf. Download-Link: Kunterbuntes Durcheinander Downey Jr. wirkt so deplatziert wie vieles hier. Der Regisseur und Co-Autor Stephen Gaghan, bislang für ernste Stoffe bekannt, ist mit Komik sichtlich überfordert. Viele Gags laufen ins Leere, das Timing ist lausig. Und die computergenerierten Spezialeffekte pendeln zwischen Welt- und Kreisklasse. Trotzdem ist dieser wilde Ritt besser als der Ruf, der ihm aus den Das kunterbunte Durcheinander hat durchaus seinen Reiz. Das Tempo ist hoch, der Humor anarchisch. Hier bibbern Gorillas vor Angst, Eisbären vor Kälte, und eine Drachendame leidet unter Verstopfung, weil sie zu viele Soldaten verspeist hat. Antonio Banderas spielt als König Rassouli groß auf, und Michael Sheen überzieht seinen Speichellecker Müdfly genüsslich. Zeit zum Verschnaufen bleibt ebenso wenig wie für die Figurenentwicklung. Stören wird das aber wohl nur die Erwachsenen. Das junge Zielpublikum bekommt eine Wundertüte, bei der man nie weiß, was in der nächsten Szene steckt. Die fantastische Reise des Dr. Dolittle. USA 2020. Regie: Stephen Gaghan. Mit Robert Downey Jr., Michael Sheen, Jim Broadbent, Antonio Banderas, Harry Collett. 101 Minuten. Ab 6 Jahren. ALTERNATIVE Download: Ganzer Film Die fantastische Reise des Dr. Dolittle Stream Deutsch HD, Ganzer Film Die fantastische Reise des Dr. Dolittle Complete Online Deutsch HD, Die fantastische Reise des Dr. Dolittle Ganzer Film Deutsch, Die fantastische Reise des Dr. Dolittle Online anschauen, Die fantastische Reise des Dr. Dolittle Torrents, Die fantastische Reise des Dr. Dolittle kostenlos sehen, Die fantastische Reise des Dr. Dolittle anschauen, Die fantastische Reise des Dr. Dolittle komplett online sehen, Die fantastische Reise des Dr. Dolittle frei online sehen, Die fantastische Reise des Dr. Dolittle in voller lange anschauen, Die fantastische Reise des Dr. Dolittle ganzes Film online anschauen, Die fantastische Reise des Dr. Dolittle voll kostenlos sehen, Die fantastische Reise des Dr. Dolittle kostenlos online anschauen, Die fantastische Reise des Dr. Dolittle online voll LEGAL gucken, Die fantastische Reise des Dr. Dolittle voll anschauen, Die fantastische Reise des Dr. Dolittle kostenlos angucken, Die fantastische Reise des Dr. Dolittle Neues Kinofilm, Die fantastische Reise des Dr. Dolittle kompletter film,.

ΠÎνδÎμίi find. Ce 91%ce bd ce ac cf 83%cf 84%ce b1 cf 83%ce b7 2. Ce a0 ce b1 ce bd ce b4 ce b7 ce bc ce af ce b1 en. The movie is great even without english sub titles! 😳 i enjoyed watching their actions! 😜🤣🤗😄😝. Please, please English subtitles thank you.

Ce 91%ce bd ce ac cf 83%cf 84%ce b1 cf 83%ce b7 vs

Τζαμάικα στιχοι. Ce a0 ce b1 ce bd ce b4 ce b7 ce bc ce af ce b1 exam. Most enjoyable film in a while.
Great set of actors making a truly enjoyable movie, very funny. 謝謝你,再見. Good movie but, no English subtitles. Lets be real here, we all thought Dolittle would flop. However i have seen it. It is magical and wonderful. Good for all the family. 9/10. Dolittle Theatrical release poster Directed by Stephen Gaghan Produced by Joe Roth Jeff Kirschenbaum Susan Downey Screenplay by Stephen Gaghan Dan Gregor Doug Mand Story by Thomas Shepherd Based on Doctor Dolittle by Hugh Lofting Starring Robert Downey Jr. Antonio Banderas Michael Sheen Emma Thompson Rami Malek John Cena Kumail Nanjiani Octavia Spencer Tom Holland Craig Robinson Ralph Fiennes Selena Gomez Marion Cotillard Music by Danny Elfman [1] Cinematography Guillermo Navarro Edited by Craig Alpert Nick Moore Production company Team Downey Roth Films Perfect World Pictures Distributed by Universal Pictures Release date January 17, 2020 (United States) Running time 101 minutes Country United States Language English Budget $175 million [2] Box office $218. 6 million [3] [4] Dolittle is a 2020 American fantasy adventure film directed by Stephen Gaghan, from a screenplay by Gaghan, Dan Gregor, and Doug Mand, from a story by Thomas Shepherd. A reboot of the original Doctor Dolittle film and its modern comedy counterparts, the film is based on the titular character created by Hugh Lofting, and primarily inspired by The Voyages of Doctor Dolittle. Robert Downey Jr. stars as the title character, alongside Antonio Banderas and Michael Sheen in live-action roles. The voice cast includes Emma Thompson, Rami Malek, John Cena, Kumail Nanjiani, Octavia Spencer, Tom Holland, Craig Robinson, Ralph Fiennes, Selena Gomez, and Marion Cotillard. The project was announced in March 2017 with Downey Jr. set to star, and the rest of the cast joined over the following year. Filming began in March 2018 and lasted through June, taking place around the United Kingdom. The film underwent three weeks of reshoots in the spring of 2019, under the supervision of Jonathan Liebesman and Chris McKay, after initial test screenings yielded poor results. Dolittle was theatrically released in the United States on January 17, 2020, by Universal Pictures. The film received negative reviews from critics for its humor and its incoherent story, and has grossed $126. 6 million worldwide against a production budget of $175 million. Plot [ edit] This section needs expansion. You can help by adding to it. ( January 2020) Dr. John Dolittle ( Robert Downey Jr. ), is a vet who can talk to animals. After his wife Lily ( Kasia Smutniak), dies at sea, Dolittle confines himself to his home and attending his animals, no longer wanting contact with other humans. One day, a boy named Tommy Stubbins ( Harry Collett), accidentally shoots and wounds a squirrel named Kevin ( Craig Robinson), and decides to go to Dolittle for help. On the same day, Queen Victoria ( Jessie Buckley), sends a message, ordering Dolittle to come in order to try to cure her of a deadly sickness. After being persuaded by the animals, Dolittle finally decides to go. Upon reaching her, he finds that the Queen has eaten a poisonous type of nightshade. To be cured, she must eat a fruit from a land far away. Dolittle, Tommy, and a crew of animals put to sail, hoping to find the cure while trying to avoid Dolittle's long ago rival. Dolittle leaves his dog Jip and a stick bug behind to watch over the Queen. Along the way, Dolittle's boat is attacked by Dr. Blair Müdfly ( Michael Sheen). They are able to escape by attaching a harness to a whale that pulls the boat to safety much to Müdfly’s astonishment. Dolittle is captured by King Rassouli ( Antonio Banderas), his ex-father-in-law, and is locked in a cage with Barry ( Ralph Fiennes), a tiger only looking for his mother's approval. Just when it looks like Dolittle is in trouble, Chee-Chee the Gorilla ( Rami Malek) breaks in and hits Barry. Dolittle and Stubbins escape only to be captured by Dr. Blair, Dolittle’s rival, and have their ship destroyed. After seeing a discouraged Dolittle, Rassouli loans him a boat for reasons from his daughter. Dolittle and company arrive at an island where they meet Ginko-Who-Soars ( Frances de la Tour), an angry, fire breathing dragon. Ginko begins attacking before she falls due to pain. Dolittle figures out what is hurting Ginko and proceeds to remove armour and bagpipes (from previously eaten trespassers) from Ginko's behind. A relieved Ginko shows Dolittle the tree with the cure. Stubbins gives the queen the plant which cures her. Dolittle’s stick bug announces that Lord Thomas poisoned the queen in order to take the crown. The queen has him arrested. Dolittle re-opens the doors to his sanctuary now including Stubbins. A mid credit scene shows Müdfly trying to communicate with bats that turn around and attack him. Cast [ edit] Robert Downey Jr. as Dr. John Dolittle, a widowed veterinarian who has the ability to speak to animals. Antonio Banderas as Rassouli, the king of pirates, who was Lily's father and Dolittle’s father-in-law. Michael Sheen as Dr. Blair Müdfly, an old schoolmate and rival of Dolittle. Harry Collett as Tommy Stubbins, Dolittle's self-appointed apprentice. Jim Broadbent as Lord Thomas Badgley, one of the Queen's chairmen. Jessie Buckley as Queen Victoria, the Queen of England. Carmel Laniado as Lady Rose, a maid of honor to the Queen and Tommy's friend. Ralph Ineson as Arnall Stubbins, Tommy's uncle and Dolittle's favorite shoemaker. Joanna Page as Bethan Stubbins, Tommy's aunt. Sonny Ashbourne Serkis as Arnall Stubbins Jr., Tommy's cousin. Kasia Smutniak as Lily Dolittle, Dolittle's deceased wife. [5] Voices [ edit] Emma Thompson as Polynesia, a wise and headstrong macaw and Dolittle’s most trusted advisor. Rami Malek as Chee-Chee, an anxious but noble gorilla. John Cena as Yoshi, an upbeat polar bear who wears a bashlyk. Kumail Nanjiani as Plimpton, a cynical and fussy but well-meaning ostrich who wears striped stockings and quarrels with Yoshi. Octavia Spencer as Dab-Dab, an enthusiastic and crazy duck with a wooden leg. Tom Holland as Jip, a loyal dog who wears glasses. Craig Robinson as Kevin, a crazy squirrel with attitude. Ralph Fiennes as Barry, a ferocious tiger with gold-tipped fangs who has a past with Dolittle. Selena Gomez as Betsy, a friendly giraffe. Marion Cotillard as Tutu, a French fox who is friends with Betsy. Jason Mantzoukas as James, a wisecracking dragonfly who meets Dolittle in a prison cell from which he helps him escape. Frances de la Tour as Ginko-Who-Soars, a fire-breathing dragon who guards a magical fruit. Nick. A. Fisher as Mini, a sweet possum ( a. k. a. sugar glider). Production [ edit] On March 20, 2017, it was announced that Robert Downey Jr. would star in The Voyage of Doctor Dolittle, a feature adaptation of The Voyages of Doctor Dolittle. [6] In December 2017, Harry Collett and Jim Broadbent were cast. [7] [8] In February 2018, Antonio Banderas and Michael Sheen were cast in live-action roles, while Tom Holland, Emma Thompson, Ralph Fiennes, and Selena Gomez were cast to voice animals, including a tiger, bear, and a lioness. [9] [10] In March 2018, Kumail Nanjiani, Octavia Spencer, John Cena, Rami Malek, Craig Robinson, Marion Cotillard, Frances de la Tour and Carmen Ejogo joined the voice cast. [11] The character of Regine, a lioness voiced by Ejogo, was cut from the finished film. [ citation needed] Principal production commenced mid-February in 2018. Live-action scenes began filming in Kirkby Lonsdale, Cumbria in May 2018, with further location filming at South Forest, Windsor Great Park and on the Menai Suspension Bridge in North West Wales, in June 2018. [12] In April 2019, it was reported the film had undergone 21 days of re-shoots following poor test screenings. Director Jonathan Liebesman helped to oversee the filming alongside Gaghan, while Chris McKay helped write new material after it became clear from first cuts that the comedy elements of the film were not coming together as well as the producers had hoped. [2] Prior to this, Universal had turned towards Seth Rogen and Neighbors co-writer Brendan O'Brien to help make the film funnier. However, neither could remain committed to the project and dropped out. McKay was assigned to storyboard sequences and assemble different edits before later leaving to instead direct The Tomorrow War. Liebesman took over McKay's duties and finished the film alongside Gaghan. The Lego Batman Movie scribe John Whittington had performed rewrites on the script amid reshoots and had flown to London to meet with Downey, who allegedly tore Whittington's script apart in favor of "new ideas". The Hollywood Reporter claims that despite a "challenged production" there were no fights for power and no competing cuts for the film. [13] In August 2019, it was reported that the film's title had been changed from The Voyage of Doctor Dolittle to simply Dolittle. [14] In January 2020, Robert Downey Jr discussed on Joe Rogan 's podcast ( The Joe Rogan Experience) that the premise of the Dr. Dolittle character in his film stemmed from a Welsh neo-pagan physician called William Price. In the podcast he said: "Same way I did with Iron Man.. all right there's something here and then before I signed on, I was just googling 'weirdest Welsh doctor', I just wanted to think of, I don't want to just do another English accent.. so there was this guy called William Price, who's a nutty Welsh doctor, he was a neo-druidist, he believed that he could communicate with all nature and all that stuff, so I sent a picture of this wild looking guy wearing this kind of suit with stars on it and like a staff in his hand, so I sent that to Gaghan and he goes, "That looks good to me" and I was like "great let's do this movie"". [15] Music artist Sia performed a new song of hers called " Original " for the end credits, while Danny Elfman composed the film's score. [16] Release [ edit] The film was originally going to be released on May 24, 2019, by Universal Pictures but was moved to April 12, 2019, to avoid competition with Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (which was later moved to December 20, 2019). [17] It was later pushed back to January 17, 2020. [18] Reception [ edit] Box office [ edit] As of February 2, 2020, Dolittle has grossed $55. 2 million in the United States and Canada, and $71. 4 million in other territories, for a worldwide total of $126. 6 million, against a production budget of $175 million. [3] [4] Due to its high production and marketing costs, the film will need to gross around $500 million in order to break-even; [19] following its debut weekend, it was estimated the film would lose the studio between $50–100 million. [20] [21] In the United States and Canada, the film was projected to gross $20–22 million from 4, 155 theaters in its opening weekend, and a total of around $27 million over the four-day Martin Luther King Jr. Day weekend. [22] [23] It made $6. 3 million on its first day, including $925, 000 from Thursday night previews. It went on to debut to $22 million (and $29. 5 million over the four-day frame), finishing third behind fellow newcomer Bad Boys for Life and holdover 1917. [20] The film made $12. 1 million in its second weekend, remaining in third. [24] Critical response [ edit] On Rotten Tomatoes, the film holds an approval rating of 16% based on 164 reviews, with an average rating of 3. 95/10. The website's critics consensus reads: " Dolittle may be enough to entertain very young viewers, but they deserve better than this rote adaptation's jumbled story and stale humor. " [25] On Metacritic, the film has a weighted average score of 27 out of 100, based on 43 critics, indicating "generally unfavorable reviews". [26] Audiences polled by CinemaScore gave the film an average grade of "B" on an A+ to F scale, while PostTrak reported an average 3 out of 5 stars. [20] Courtney Howard of Variety called the film a "frenetic, crass kids' flick" and wrote: "What should have been an awe-filled adventure quickly curdles into an awful one, thanks to a pedestrian formula and the filmmakers' fixation on fart jokes. " [27] Writing for The Hollywood Reporter, Todd McCarthy said that "From the very first scene, it's clear something is terribly off with this lavishly misbegotten attempt to repopularize an animal-loaded literary franchise that was born exactly a century ago. The oddly diffident star and executive producer Robert Downey Jr. never finds the power-supplying third rail needed to energize a tale that fails to make a real case for being reinterpreted". [28] References [ edit] ^ "Danny Elfman to Score 'The Voyage of Doctor Dolittle ' ". Film Music Reporter. Retrieved July 16, 2018. ^ a b Borys Kit (April 15, 2019). " ' Ninja Turtles' Director Jonathan Liebesman Tackling 'Doctor Dolittle' Reshoots (Exclusive)". The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved April 15, 2019. ^ a b "Dolittle (2020)". Box Office Mojo. IMDb. Retrieved February 2, 2020. ^ a b "Dolittle (2020)". The Numbers. Retrieved February 2, 2020. ^ "Kasia Smutniak: «Sul set con Robert Downey Jr. »". (in Italian). June 18, 2018. Retrieved August 28, 2019. ^ Ford, Rebecca; Kit, Borys (March 20, 2017). "Robert Downey Jr. to Star in 'The Voyage of Doctor Dolittle ' ". Retrieved March 21, 2017. ^ Kroll, Justin; Kroll, Justin (December 6, 2017). 's 'Voyage of Doctor Dolittle' Taps 'Dunkirk' Actor Harry Collett (EXCLUSIVE)". ^ Kroll, Justin (December 12, 2017). "Jim Broadbent Joins Robert Downey Jr. in Universal's 'Voyage of Doctor Dolittle' (EXCLUSIVE)". Variety. Retrieved March 27, 2018. ^ "Tom Holland, Emma Thompson Join Robert Downey Jr. in 'Doctor Dolittle ' ". The Hollywood Reporter. ^ "Selena Gomez Joins Robert Downey Jr. 's 'Doctor Dolittle' Movie (Exclusive)". The Hollywood Reporter. ^ "Robert Downey Jr. Unveils Voice Cast for 'Voyage of Doctor Dolittle ' ". Retrieved March 27, 2018. ^ "Hollywood film crew fixes giant pothole". BBC News. June 7, 2018. Retrieved June 12, 2018. ^ Kit, Borys; McClintock, Pamela (January 31, 2020). " " I Have Some New Ideas": The Scramble Behind Robert Downey Jr. 's Dolittle Debacle". Retrieved January 31, 2020. ^ Parlevliet, Mirko (August 12, 2019). "Dolittle Synopsis and New Title for the January Release".. Retrieved August 12, 2019. ^ ^ Kit, Borys (April 28, 2017). 's 'Doctor Dolittle' Moves Release to Avoid 'Star Wars ' ". Retrieved April 29, 2017. ^ Lang, Brent (October 1, 2018). " ' Voyage of Doctor Dolittle' With Robert Downey Jr. Pushed Back to 2020". Retrieved October 2, 2018. ^ Katz, Brandon (December 31, 2019). "Which Movies Are Most Likely to Bomb in 2020? ". The New York Observer. Retrieved February 1, 2020. ^ a b c Anthony D'Alessandro (January 21, 2020). "How Sony Built 'Bad Boys For Life' Into A Success With $101M+ WW & $73M+ U. S. ; 'Dolittle' Poised For $50M+ Loss – Monday Update". Deadline Hollywood. Retrieved January 20, 2020. ^ Jeremy Fuster (January 19, 2020). "Robert Downey Jr's 'Dolittle' Could Lose $100 Million at Box Office". TheWrap. Retrieved January 31, 2020. ^ Anthony D'Alessandro (January 15, 2020). "Can 'Bad Boys For Life' Keep The Sony Franchise Alive? – Box Office Preview". Retrieved January 15, 2020. ^ Jeremy Fuster (January 14, 2020). "Can 'Bad Boys for Life' Succeed for Sony Where 'MIB: International' Failed? ". Retrieved January 15, 2020. ^ Anthony D'Alessandro (January 24, 2020). " ' Bad Boys For Life' & '1917' Shooting Past $100M; 'The Turning' Slammed With Second 'F' Of 2020". Retrieved January 26, 2020. ^ "Dolittle (2020)". Rotten Tomatoes. Retrieved January 25, 2020. ^ "Dolittle Reviews". Metacritic. Retrieved January 25, 2020. ^ Courtney Howard (January 15, 2020). " ' Dolittle': Film Review". Retrieved January 15, 2020. ^ Todd McCarthy (January 15, 2020). Retrieved January 26, 2020. External links [ edit] Official website Dolittle on IMDb Dolittle at Rotten Tomatoes.

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