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Харизматичный арт-критик Джеймс Фигерас соблазняет американку. Вместе они отправляются в путешествие к озеру Комо, чтобы посетить дом влиятельного коллекционера. Похожие фильмы Похожих фильмов пока нет, но вы можете их добавить:. Synopsis You Can't Paint Over The Truth Hired to steal a rare painting from one of most enigmatic painters of all time, an ambitious art dealer becomes consumed by his own greed and insecurity as the operation spins out of control. Cast Crew Details Genres Director Producers Writers Editor Cinematography Production Design Visual Effects Composer Costumes Studios Countries Language Popular reviews More A slinky but inert Euro-thriller that splits the difference between Abbas Kiarostami and François Ozon in a futile effort to forge both of their talents, Giuseppe Capotondi’s “The Burnt Orange Heresy” is a movie about the value of art that offers little in the way of artistic value. What it does have — in spades — is Elizabeth Debicki swanning around the well-monied banks of Lake Como as a mysterious connoisseur whose sultry exterior may (or may not! ) hide another meaning under its surface. Beguiling even as the silly film around her struggles to square high-brow gloss with low-rent delight, the bird-like “Widows” actress manages to soar above the rest of the action without insisting the material is far beneath… The more I think about it, the more I love The Burnt Orange Heresy. The third act is bad and almost ruins the film, but the rest of it is built upon such compelling mystery and intrigue. I feel like every single line in the film might be deceptive, or a lie, you have to read between the lines to really figure out what's going on. And for those who love it as much as I do, the film has some serious Zima Blue references throughout the first half. It's a crafty commentary on art and the truth of art much like Zima Blue, complete with numerous mentions of the color blue and a pool. Made me giddy watching it… LA BIENNALE DI VENEZIA 76 — FILM #29 last film of the festival! thank god. what a great film to end with. esp bc elizabeth debicki herself can end me. thanks venice, it’s been swell. this was bad. but like, elizabeth debicki is 6’3 TIFF 2019: Film #17 A boring art thriller about a bunch of pretty people who don't know each other sitting in lavish settings talking about how much they don't know each other. Its critique of art and art criticism is toothless and the third act makes next to no sense. Sutherland hands in a kooky performance and Debicki does the best she can with material that is boderline disrespectful to her talent. Oh yeah and Mick Jagger is in this. Big pass on this for me, dawg. The guy sitting next to me snoring loudly into his seat sums this movie up pretty perfectly. Recent reviews hey it’s me a sucker for movies about art and the presence of mick jagger! Never quite as compelling, erotic, or thoughtful as it thinks it is, but occasionally interesting enough to work. Two of the sexiest people alive (Elizabeth Debicki, quickly becoming a favorite screen actress of mine) and the guy from The Square, meet and flirt in a noirish, hard boiled way, have lots of European sex and are then called to the Lake Como estate of a mysterious rich guy played by Mick Jagger on secret business. Great first twenty minutes. I was so in. But then every twist and turn after that really isn’t much of a twist or turn, just straight forward happenings, and it kindof fizzles out amidst the pretentious musings on truth and art and later cruelty streak. With such sexy, mysterious people and gorgeous locations, I wish there had been a more elaborate, fun, less blunt story that could’ve pushed it into the greatness of the best neo-noirs. Instead it’s a great showcase for Debicki as layered, captivating movie star, and not a lot else. I'm convinced there's a better version of this movie that could exist. My review can be found on Solzy at the Movies. “THE BURNT ORANGE HERESY is in fact a classic Faustian tale of a deal with the devil, a tale of ambition, deception and lies in the guise of a psychological thriller. ” - director Giuseppe Capotondi Read the full, exclusive Landmark Theatres Filmmaker Letter on our website. Despite some predictable moments, I overall thoroughly enjoyed it (Mick Jagger aside) lepo TAKOĐE ELIZABETH DEBICKI JE 6'3 VISOKA Popular Lists More.
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Varese Sarabande & Recordings will release a soundtrack album for the thriller The Burnt Orange Heresy. The album features the film’s original music composed by Craig Armstrong ( Moulin Rouge!, Romeo + Juliet, The Great Gatsby, The Incredible Hulk, The Bone Collector). The soundtrack will be released digitally tomorrow, March 6 and will be available to stream/download on Amazon. The Burnt Orange Heresy is directed by Giuseppe Capotondi and stars Claes Bang, Elizabeth Debicki, Donald Sutherland and Mick Jagger. The movie is based on Charles Willeford’s noir novel and follows an ambitious art critic who steals a rare painting and becomes consumed by his own greed as the operation spins out of control. The thriller premiered at last year’s Venice and Toronto Film Festivals and is being released in select theaters this weekend by Sony Pictures Classics. Visit the official movie website for more information. Here’s the track list of the album: 1. The Burnt Orange Heresy Theme (2:48) 2. The First Morning (2:52) 3. The Lecture (2:23) 4. Night To Dawn (1:20) 5. The Casa (1:53) 6. I Wanted One (0:52) 7. Coffee On The Terrace (2:16) 8. Woman With The Red Scarf (1:43) 9. How Many Days (1:25) 10. Debney’s Arrival (0:42) 11. If You Have Nothing To Lose (1:30) 12. Invitation To Dinner (0:39) 13. Where Are You Taking Me? (1:53) 14. Berenice On The Lake (1:57) 15. Is There Anything Left? (2:40) 16. Blue (3:15) 17. In Time You’ll Understand (1:42) 18. Burning Studio (3:51) 19. Acting A Little Strange (2:14) 20. Painting The Forgery (2:17) 21. The Burnt Orange Heresy (1:12) 22. Berenice Confronts James (1:23) 23. Finding Berenice (4:02) 24. You’re The Fly (4:26) 25. The Truth: The Painting Of Berenice (3:23).
Obraz pożądania Free online. 0 Flares × There’s something perverse in seeing great actors doing great work in a film that has an extremely problematic script and plot. In the new release The Burnt Orange Heresy, directed by Giuseppe Capotondi and written by Scott B. Smith from the Charles Willeford novel, a collection of endlessly enigmatic actors that includes Claes Bang, Elizabeth Debicki, Donald Sutherland, and Mick Jagger breathe temporary life into, but can’t resuscitate this pretentious neo-noir script. Though there’s quite a history of masking men making bad choices, to the detriment of women around them, as nihilistic noir, that’s no excuse for lazily perpetuating that trope in cinema. That the original novel was released in 1971 suggests it should have remained in and of that time. I feel compelled to read it, as it’s considered a noir classic, and Elmore Leonard said of Willeford, “Nobody writes a better crime novel. ” The movie version of the novel lets Willeford, and the actors that commit to his story, down. Though it is beautifully filmed by cinematographer David Ungaro in languid shots that speak of deterioration both internal and external, there are a number of problems elsewhere. The Burnt Orange Heresy largely takes place at an estate on Lake Como, where anti-heroic art critic and drug addict James Figueras (Bang) brings a new sex-buddy, the leggy Berenice Hollis (Debicki) to meet art collector Joseph Cassidy (Jagger). They discuss an offer in which Figueras is asked to procure a painting from one of the most famous and most reclusive painters in the world, Jerome Debney (Sutherland), who lives in a ramshackle studio on the estate’s property. In exchange, he gets exclusive access to the world-renowned artist. How is Figueras meant to wheedle a painting out of him? Cassidy doesn’t care. He just disappears and leaves the couple to figure it out. Things go south in a way that might have been more compelling in the novel, but take place very slowly onscreen. What kindnesses that occur happen only between Hollis and Debney. Hollis is inexplicably self-destructive, and drawn to the insecure, greed-addled Figuaras, who treats her, and everyone around him, horribly. Is it that she can’t help herself and he can’t help himself? As an art gallery owner, my threshold for pretension is pretty high, and even I lost patience with the way in which these characters talk through the proceedings. That’s not to say the actors don’t put in great work. So valiant is their effort, the film is nearly worth our time. Bang is watchable in almost anything, and he brings a complexity to the lead character that awakens curiosity in the viewer, if not compassion. Though at the core, her character is tragic, Debicki still finds a way to float through the film looking like the embodiment of a Robert McGinnis illustration. I’d question whether the nudity required of her furthers the plot, but at least we see someone whose body seems so unreal it’s almost like watching a walking work of art. Sutherland and Jagger are spot-on in their portrayals, as expected. Kudos to the uncredited casting director, and if that is to suggest that director Capotondi is singlehandedly responsible for the ensemble, good for him. That being said, as a whole, The Burnt Orange Heresy should be the central teaching aid in a class called ‘Misogynistic Male Gaze 101’. As such, it should come as no surprise it was premiered as the closing film at the 2019 Venice International Film Festival. I generally love Sony Pictures Classics releases, but in this case, unless fascinated by the prospect of watching actors trying to work their way out of a deeply-flawed script, give it a pass. 2 out of 5 stars Twitter 0 Facebook ×.
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